Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ironclad Paladins Command Squad

I want to start mixing in some pictures of my almost completed Space Marine Army. This is the Second Company of my custom chapter, the Ironclad Paladins. There is a great Chapter Creation Table on 4Chan (not normally a corner of the internet I frequent) that is really helpful for those of us who haven't spent a great deal of time in the fluff.

After mainly picking (I wasn't going to roll, they are my plastic army men) I came up with:
* Crusade Chapter
* 26th Millenium Founding
* Ultramarine Progenitor
* Deeds of legend: actions against an Eldar Craftworld
* Combat Doctrine: Armoured Assault
* Chapter Friendly: Inquisition

I have a big list of names to work through for naming the 2nd Company members. To make it easier on myself (and to give some kind of theme) all of the names are coming from Shakespearan characters.

 Captain Benedict, 2nd Battle Company
 Another angle, both shots include the 2nd Company Command Rhino

The entire Command Squad and one of two possible Librarians.


  1. Shakesperian characters! That's one I haven't heard of before! I personally use google translate with Latin. I accidentally found out that Sicarius means assassin!

    1. Well, looking back at The Tempest, Prospero should probably be the Librarian's name.

    2. It's a great idea, but it would involve me knowing Shakespeare! Having just finished school, that's the last thing I want!!

  2. Beinemac, great job with lightning on the halberd! Give yourself a pat on the back.
